Total data: 301

Chemical misconceptions : prevention, diagnosis and cure, vol. 1 theoretical background
Taber, Keith;London : Royal Society of Chemistry, , 2005

Teaching chemistry - a study book : a practical guide and textbook for student teachers, teacher trainees and teachers
Eilks, Ingo; Hofstein, Awi;Rotterdam : Sense Publisher , 2013

Relevant chemistry education : from theory to practice
Eilks, Ingo; Hofstein, Avi;Rotterdam : Sense Publisher , 2015

Elementary and middle school mathematics : teaching developmentally
Van De Walle, John A.; Karp, Karen S.; Bay; Williams, Jennifer M.;Harlow : Pearson Education Limited , 2015
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam konteks Indonesia
Suparlan; Hady, Nuruddin; Al Hakim, Suparlan; Soegiarto, L. M.; Astawa, Ketut Diara; Untari, Sri;Malang : Dar al-Madani , 2016

Pedagogy in higher education : a cultural historical approach
Wells, Gordon; Edwards, Anne;Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 2015

Scientific literacy for participation : a systemic functional approach to analysis of school science discourses
Knain, Erik;Rotterdam : Sense Publisher , 2015

How students come to be, know, and do : a case for a broad view of learning
Herrenkohl, Leslie Rupert; Mertl, Veronique;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2014

Pendidikan matematika realistik : teori, pengembangan, dan implementasinya
Hadi, Sutarto;Jakarta : Rajawali Pers , 2017

Teaching secondary school science : strategies for developing scientific literacy
Powell, Bybee;Harlow, Essex : Pearson Education , 2014