Total data: 405
A branded world :adventures in public relations and the creation of superbrands
Levine, Michael,;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley , 2003
The West in the world :a mid-length narrative history
Sherman, Dennis.; Salisbury, Joyce E.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill , 2006
Consumed in the city :observing tuberculosis at century's end
Draus, Paul Joseph.;Philadelphia, PA : : Temple University Press, , 2004
Hidup beragama : dalam sorotan UUD 1945 dan piagam madinah
Aksin Wijaya;Ponorogo : STAIN Ponorogo Press , 2009
Pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk pembangunan perdamaian
Abubakar, Irfan; Pranawati, Rita;Jakarta : Center for the Study of Religion and Culture , 2009
Community development : alternatif pengembangan masyarakat di era globalisasi
Ife, Jim; Tesoriero, Frank; Manullang, Sastrawan; Nurul Yakin; Nursyahid, M.;Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar , 2008
Carok : konflik kekerasan dan harga diri orang Madura / A. Latief Wiyata
Wiyata, A. Latief; Abdur Rozaki;Yogyakarta : LKiS , 2006
Cina muslim : studi ethnoscience keberagamaan Cina muslim / Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth
MIsbah Zulfa Elizabeth; Ahmad Syaiful Anam;Semarang : Walisongo Press , 2009