Total data: 38

Religion and state in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia / Ayman Al-Yassini
Al; Yassini, Ayman;Colorado : Westview press , 1985

Politics of resource allocation in the U.S. Departement of Defense
Alex Mintz;London : Westview press , 1988

Regime change in Afghanistan : foreign intervention and the ...
Saikal, Amin; Maley, William;New York : Westview press , 1991

Pakistan the continuing search for nationhood
Burki, Shahid Javed;San Fransisco : Westview press , 1991

Public enterprises in Peru : public sector growth and reform
Alfred H. Saulniers;Colorado : Westview press , 1988

Limits of government : an essay on the public goods argument
Schmidtz, David;San Fransisco : Westview press , 1991

Revolution and counter revolution in central America and the Caribbean
Schulz, Donald; Graham, Douglas H.;London : Westview press , 1984