Total data: 23

Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past : The Legacy of A'Isha bint Abi Bakar / Danise A. Spellberg.
Spellberg, Danise A.;New York : Columbia University Press , 1994

Lawrence Kohlberg's : approach to moral education / F. Clark Power, Ann Higgins, Lawrence Kohlberg
;America : Columbia University Press , 1989

Globalization : The Human Consequences / Zygmunt Bauman
Bauman, Zygmunt;New York : Columbia University Press , 1998

Accommodating Protest : Working Women, the New Veling, and Change in Cairo / Arlene Elowe Macleod
Macleod, Arlene Elowe;New York : Columbia University Press , 1991

Science and social work : a critical appraisal
Kirk, Stuart A; Reid, William J.;New York : Columbia University Press , 2002

The Case for Islamo-Christian civilization / Richard W. Bulliet
Bulliet, Richard W.;New York : Columbia University Press , 2004

Neorealism and its critics / Editor : Robert O. Keohane
Keohane, Robert O.;New York : Columbia University Press , 1986

Who's afraid of academic freedom
Cole, Jonathan R.; Bilgrami, Akeel;New York : Columbia University Press , 2015

Constitutionalism and rights :the influence of the United States constitution abroad
Henkin, Louis; Rosenthal, J. Albert;New York : Columbia University Press , 1989