Total data: 60

Criminal procedure for the criminal justice professional
Ferdico, John N.; Fradella, Henry F.; Totten, Christopher D.;Boston : Cengage Learning , 2016

Criminal justice in action: the core
Gaines, Larry K.; Miller, Roger LeRoy;Amerika : Cengage Learning , 2014

The Challenge of democracy : american goverment in global politics 13th edition
Janda, Kenneth; Berry, Jeffrey M.; Goldman, Jerry; Schildkraut, Deborah;USA : Cengage Learning , 2016

Criminal evidence : principles and cases
Gardner, Thomas J.; Anderson, Terry M.;United Kingdom : Cengage Learning , 2016

The challenge of democracy : American government in global politics
Janda, Kenneth; Berry, Jeffrey M.; Goldman, Jerry; Schildkraut, Deborah;Amerika : Cengage Learning , 2014

Essentials of psychology : concepts and applications
Nevid, Jeffrey S.;Stamford : Cengage Learning , 2015

Abnormal psychology : an integrative approach
Barlow, David H.; Durand, V. Mark;Canada : Cengage Learning , 2015

Strategic management : theory
Hill, Charles W.L.; Jones, Gareth R.; Schilling, Melissa A.;Amerika : Cengage Learning , 2015