Total data: 13
A Reader in the anthropology of religion / eited by Michael Lambek
Lambek, Michael;Malden, Massachusetts : Blackwell Publishers , 2002
Kuhn : philosopher of scientific revolutions
Kuhn, Thomas S.; Sharrock, W. W.; Read, Rupert J.,;Malden, MA : : Polity, , 2002
An introduction to new media and cybercultures
Nayar, Pramod K.;Malden, MA : : Wiley-Blackwell , 2010
Sience vs religion? : intelligent design and the problem of evolution
Fuller, steve;Malden, Massachusetts : Polity Press , 2007
Development communication :reframing the role of the media
McPhail, Thomas L.;Malden, MA : : Wiley-Blackwell , 2009
Reinventing professionalism : journalism and news in global perspective
Waisbord, Silvio R.;Malden, MA : : Polity, , 2013
Quantum non-locality and relativity : metaphysical intimations of modern physics
Maudlin, Tim.;Malden, MA : : Wiley-Blackwell , 2011
Attachment in intellectual and developmental disability : a clinician's guide to practice and research
Fletcher, Helen K.,; Flood, Andrea,; Hare, Dougal Julian,;Malden, Massachusetts : Wiley-Blackwell , 2016