Total data: 1612
The Philosophy of History / George W.F. Hegel;trnslated by J. Sibree
Hegel, George W.F.; sibree, J.;USA : Promotheus Books , 1991
Aspects Of Western Civilization Volume 1 : Problems And Sources In History / edited by Perry M. Rogers
Rogers Perry M.;New Jersey : Upper Saddle River , 2003
The world treasury of modern religious thougt
Pelikan, Jaroslav;Boston : Little, Brown and Company , 1990
The New Iraq : Rebuilding the Country for Its People the Middle East, And the World / Joseph Braude
Braude, Joseph;New York : Basic Books , 2003
The Crisis of muslim history : religion and politics in early Islam / Mahmoud M. Ayoub
Ayoub, Mahmoud M.;USA : McNaughton \r\n Gunn , 2005
Isra miraj : perjalanan ruang waktu dalam kaitannya dengan penciptaan alam raya / S.Anwar Effendie
Effendie,S Anwar;Jakarta : Pradnya paramita , 1993
Bung Karno menggugat : dari marhaen, CIA, Pembantaian massal '65 hingga G30 S / Penyunting Sunarwoto Dema
Wardaya, Baskara T.;Yogyakarta : Galangpress , 2006
Jejak-jejak pendidikan islam di Indonesia : rekontruksi sejarah untuk aksi / Khozin
Khozin;Malang : Universitas Muhammadiyah , 2006
Bangkit dan runtuhnya khilafah Utsmaniyah / Ali Muhammad Ash-Shalabi;Penerjemah:Samson Rahman
Shalabi, Ali Muhammad; Rahman, Samson;Jakarta : Pustaka Al-Kautsar , 2004