Total data: 7788
The Princeton encyclopedia of Islamic political thought
Zaman, Muhammad Qasim; Crone, Patricia; Kadi, Wadad; Stewart, Devin J.;Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press , 2013
Governing American cities: interethnic coalitions, competition, and conflict
Jones; Correa, Michael;New York : Russel Sage Foundation , 2001
The Islamic Quest for Democracy, Pluralism, and Human Rights
Moussalli, Ahmad S.;Gainesville, FL : University Press of Florida , 2001
Coming to America :a history of immigration and ethnicity in American life
Daniels, Roger;New York : Perennial , 2002
On Racism :Essays on black popular culture, African American politics, and the new black aesthetics
Bracery, Earnest N.;Maryland : University of America Press , 2003
Public policymaking in a democratic society :a guide to civic engagement
Gerston, Larry N.;New York : M.E. Sharpe , 2002
Pendidikan kewarganegaraan :demokrasi, HAM dan masyarakat madani
PUSLIT IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Penyusun;Jakarta : IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Press , 2000
Democracy In America: Specially Edited and Abridged for the Modern Reader by
Tocqueville, Alexis de; Heffner, Richard D.;New York : Signet Classic , 2001