Total data: 6988
Teori perencanaan Pendidikan / Soebijanto Wirojoedo
Wirojoedo, Soebijanto;Yogyakarta : Leberty , 1985
Muhammadijah Movement a bibliografhical introduction
Ali, Abdul Mu`ti;Canada : The librari institute of Islamic studies , 1957
Educational thought of al-Ghazali : theory and practice
Asari, Hasan;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1993
Role of the ULAMA' during the Japanese accupation of Indonesia 1942 - 1945 / Nourouzzaman Shiddiqi
Shiddiqi, Nourouzzaman;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1992
Persatuan ulama seluruh Aceh (Pusa) : Its contribution to educational reforms in Aceh
Latif, Hamdiah A.;Canada : Thelibrary insitute of Islamic studies , 1992