Total data: 7790
Culinology : the intersection of culinary art and food science
Cousminer, J. Jeffrey;Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons , 2017
Beyond bibliometrics : harnessing multidimensional indicators of scholarly impact
Cronin, Blaise; Sugimoto, Cassidy R.;Cambridge, Mass : MIT Press , 2014
Hasil bahtsul masail ad diniyyah an nahdliyyah: Mengupas thaharah sampai siyasah
Asmawi, Jamal Ma'ruf;Yogyakarta : Aswaja Pressindo , 2017
Pragmatik dan ilmu al-ma'aniy: persinggungan ontologik dan epistemologik
Fauzi, Moch. Sony;Malang : UIN Maliki Press , 2012
Adult development and aging
Cavanaugh, John C.; Blanchard; Field, Fredda;Australia : Cengage Learning , 2015
Methods in food analysis
Cruz, Rui M. S.; Khmelinskii, Igor; Vieira, Maria Margarida Cortez;Boca Raton, Florida : CRC Press , 2014
Food safety : the science of keeping food safe
Shaw, Ian C.;Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell , 2018
English phonetics and pronunciation practice
Mees, Inger M.; Carley, Paul; Collins, Beverley;London : Routledge , 2018