Total data: 156
Peristiwa gerhana dalam pandangan Islam / Kholil Rahman
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Sains dan dunia Islam : menghidupkan kembali sain di negara-negara Arab dan Islam / Abdus Salam
Salam, Abdus;Bandung : Pustaka , 1982
Metodologi ilmu pengetahuan / A.B. Shah
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Islamization of attitudes and practices in science and technology
Proceeding of the workshop on the islamization of Attitudes and practicesin science and technology; Lodhi, M.A.K.;Riyadh : The International institute of islam thought , 1989
Islam : source and purpose of knowledge
Conference on islamization of knowledge;Virginia : The international institute , 1988
Toward Islamization of disciplines : Proceeding and selected papers of the third International Conference of islamization held in kualalumpur, malaysia
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The Structure of scientific revolutions / Thomas S. Kuhn
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Jihad intelektual : Merumuskan parameter-parameter Sain Islam
Sardar, Ziauddin;Surabaya : Risalah Gusti , 1998