Total data: 4481

Andrew Carnegie :builder of libraries
Simon, Charnan.; Carnegie, Andrew,;New York : : Children's Press , 1997

Homer Simpson marches on Washington :dissent through American popular culture
Foy, Joseph J.; Dale, Tim M.;Lexington, Ky. : : University Press of Kentucky, , 2010

An introduction to the legal system of the United States
Farnsworth, E. Allan; Sheppard, Steve,;New York : : Oxford University Press, , 2010

Why Jury Duty Matters
andrew guthrie ferguson;Westport, Connecticut : New York : New York University Press, 2013. , 2013

Can it happen here? :authoritarianism in America
Sunstein, Cass R.;New York : Dey St., an imprint of William Morrow , 2018

The American women's almanac :500 years of making history
Felder, Deborah G;Detroit : Visible Ink Press, , 2020

Religion and immigration :Christian, Jewish, and Muslim experiences in the United States
Esposito, John L.; Smith, Jane I.; Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck;Walnut Creek, CA : Altamira Press , 2003