Total data: 433

Service in a time of suspicion :experiences of Muslims serving in the U.S. military post-9/11
Sandhoff, Michelle;Iowa City : University of Iowa Press , 2017

American diversity :a demographic challenge for the twenty-first century
Denton, Nancy A.; Tolnay, Stewart E.;New York : State University of New York Press , 2002

The great American thing :modern art and national identity 1915-1935
Corn, Wanda M.;Berkeley : University of California press , 1999

All year around the year : holidays and celebrations in American life
Santino, Jack;Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 1994

Long day's journey : the steamboat and stagecoach era in the Northern West
Schwantes, Carlos Arnaldo;Seattle : University of washington Press , 1999

Constitutionalism and American culture : writing the new constitutional history
Hall, Kermit L.; VanBurkleo, Sandra F.; Kaczorowski, Robert J.; Katz, Stanley N.;Kansas : University of Kansas , 2002

Library 2.0 initiatives in academic libraries
Cohen, Laura B.;Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, , 2007

Hillbilly elegy : a memoir of a family and culture in crisis
Vance, J. D;New York : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers , 2016