Total data: 433

Building the nation: Americans write about their architecture, their cities, and their landscape
Conn, Steven; Page, Max;Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press , 2003

Childe Hassam: American impressionist
Weinberg, H. Barbara;New York : The Metropolitan Museum of Art , 2004

A time to every purpose :the four seasons in American culture
Kammen, Michael;Chapel Hill : The University of north Carolina Press , 2004

Cold War orientalism: Asia in the middlebrow imagination, 1945-1961
Klein, Christina;Berkeley : : University of California Press, , 2003

Reassessing the Reagan presidency
Reagan, Ronald; Conley, Richard Steven.;Lanham, MD : : University Press of America, , 2003

Authentic fakes : religion and American popular culture
Chidester, David;Berkeley, California : University of California Press, , 2005

They called us enemy
Takei, George; Eisinger, Justin; Scott, Steven;Marietta, GA : Top Shelf Productions , 2019