Total data: 707

A brilliant solution :inventing the American constitution / Carol Berkin
Berkin, Carol;New York : harcourt , 2002

Only yesterday : an informal history of the 1920's
Allen, Frederick Lewis;New York : John Wiley & Sons , 1997

The American revolution :a history / Gordon S. Wood
Wood, Gordon S.;New York : Modern Library , 2002

Dress in American Culture
Cunningham, Patricia A.; Lab, Susan Voso;Ohio : Bowling Green State University Popular Press , 1993

Events that changed America in the nineteenth century
Findling, John E.; Thackeray, Frank W.;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Press , 2000

Willis, Clyde E.;
Westport, Connectitut : Greenwood Press , 2002

student's guide to landmark congressional laws on the first amendment
Willis, Clyde E.;Westport, Connectitut : Greenwood Press , 2002