Total data: 36749

North American road atlas :United States, Canada, Mexico
AAA Drive Trips;Florida : American Automobile Association (AAA) , 2004

After : how America confronted the September 12 era
Brill, Steven;New York : Simon & Schuster , 2003

America : a celebration of the United States
McNally, Rand;United States : Rand McNally & Company , 2006

the new encyclopedia of the american west
Lamar, Howard R.;New Haven : Yale University Press , s.a.

The new encyclopedia of Islam :revised edition of the concise encyclopedia of Islam
Smith, Huston; Glasse, Cyril;Walnut Creek : Altamira , 2002

Prajurit dan negara : teori dan politik hubungan militer-sipil
Huntington, Samuel P.; Sinaga, Deasy;Jakarta : Grasindo , 2003

Navies and the American revolution 1775-1783
Gardiner, Robert;Annapolis, Maryland : Naval Institute Press , 1996