Total data: 36749

The crisis of Islam :holy war and unholy terror
Lewis, Bernard;New York : The Modern Library , 2003

Not quite American? :the shaping of Arab and muslim identity in the United States
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck;Waco, Texas : Baylor University Press , 2004

The changing face of Islam in America :understanding and reaching your muslim neighbor
Poston, Larry A.; Ellis Jr., Carl F.;Camp Hill, Pennsylvania : Horizon Books , 2000

Business communication today
Bovee, Courtland L.; Thill, John V.;New York : Pearson Prentice Hall , 2004

Islam and America : building a future without prejudice
Majid, Anouar;Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield , 2012

The men who United the States : America's explorers, inventors, eccentrics, and mavericks, and the creation of one nation, indivisible
Winchester, Simon;Princeton, New Jersey : Harper Resource , 2013