Total data: 36749

Atlas of Indians of North America
Legay, Gilbert;Hauppauge, New York : Barron's Educational Series , 1995

American heritage : illustrated history of the presidents
Beschloss, Michael;New York : A Byron Preiss Book , 2000

Daughters of Islam : building bridges with muslim women
Adeney, Miriam;Downers Grove, Illinois : Intervarsity Press , 2002

Twentieth-century America :a brief history / Thomas C. Reeves
Reeves, Thomas C.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

Twentieth-century America : a brief history
Reeves, Thomas C.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

In the president's secret service : behind the scenes with agents in the line of fire and the presidents they protect
Kessler, Ronald;New York : Three Rivers Press , 2010

Mystics and messiahs : cults and new religions in American history
Jenkins, Philip;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

Religions In America volume I-III
Stein, Stephen J.;Westport, Connecticut : Cambridge University Press , 2012

Basic history of American conservatism
Muccigrosso, Robert;Malabar, Florida : Krieger Publishing , 2001