Total data: 707

Facts about American immigration
Brownstone, David M.; Franck Irene, M.;New York : H.W. Wilson , 2001

Vital statictics on American politics 2003-2004
Stanley, Harold W.; Niemi, Richard G.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2003

The American Presidency :very short introduction
Jones, Charles O.,;Princeton, New Jersey : Oxford University Press , 2016

Americanizing the West :race, immigarnts, and citizenshinp, 1890-1930
Van Nuys, Frank;Lawrence, Kansas : Kansas University Press , 2002

First ladies :from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama
Caroli, Betty Boyd.; Canadian Italian Historical Association.;New York, N.Y. : : Oxford University Press, , 2010

The great experiment :George Washington and the American Republic
Rhodehamel, John;New Haven : Yale University Press , 1998

We too sing America :South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh immigrants shape our multiracial future
Iyer, Deepa;New York : The New Press , 2015