Total data: 433

America's religions: from their origins to the twenty-first century
Williams, Peter W.;Urbana : University of Illinois Press , 2002

Freedom is an endless meeting: Democracy in american social movements
Polletta, Fracesca;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2002

Jesus Christ message to all nations
Jeffs, Warren;Boulder, Colorado : [Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] , 2013

The lustre of our country :the American experience of religious freedom
Noonan Jr., John T.;Berkeley : University of California press , 1998

Civil society : the underpinnings of American democracy
O'Connell, Brian;Lebanon, NH : Tuft University, University Press of New England , 1999

American orientalism: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
Little, Douglas,;Chapel Hill : : University of North Carolina Press, , 2002

Patchwork nation :sectionalism and political change in American politics
Gimpel, James G.; Schuknecht, Jason E.;Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press , 2003

Architects of globalism :building a new world order during world war II
Hearden, Patrick J.;Fayetteville : The University of Arkansas Press , 2002

Attack politics :negativity in presidential campaigns since 1960
Buell, Emmett H.; Sigelman, Lee.;Lawrence, KS : : University Press of Kansas, , 2009

The foreign policy disconnect: what Americans want from our leaders but don't get
Page, Benjamin I.; Bouton, Marshall M.,;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2006