Total data: 433

New philosophy for new media
Hansen, Mark B. N.;Cambridge, MA : Massachusets Institute of Technology , 2004

Sepuluh petunjuk praktis untuk reportase berita bisnis dan ekonomi di negara sedang berkembang
Hemp, Paul;Jakarta : International center of journalists , 1999

What editors want :an author's guide to scientific journal publishing
Benson, Philippa; Silver, Susan C.;Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press , 2013

Government is good :citizenship, participation, and power
Freeman, Joseph F.;Columbia : University of Missouri Press , 1992

The challenge of fundamentalism :political Islam and the new world disorder
Tibi, Bassam;Berkeley : University of California press , 1998

The Islamic Quest for Democracy, Pluralism, and Human Rights
Moussalli, Ahmad S.;Gainesville, FL : University Press of Florida , 2001

On Racism :Essays on black popular culture, African American politics, and the new black aesthetics
Bracery, Earnest N.;Maryland : University of America Press , 2003

Pendidikan kewarganegaraan :demokrasi, HAM dan masyarakat madani
PUSLIT IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Penyusun;Jakarta : IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Press , 2000

The Creation of the American Republic 1776-1787
Wood, Gordon S.;Chapel Hill : The University of north Carolina Press , 1998

The Two Majorities and The Puzzle of Modern American Politics
Shafer, Byron E.;Kansas : University of Kansas , 2003