Total data: 260
Teori perencanaan Pendidikan / Soebijanto Wirojoedo
Wirojoedo, Soebijanto;Yogyakarta : Leberty , 1985
Rise of the Masjumi party in Indonesia and the role of the ULAMA" in its early development 1945 -1952
Asyari, Muhammad;Canada : Mc Gill University , 1976
Islamic state in Indonesia:The rise of the ideology, the movement for its creation and the theory of the Masjumi
Nasution, Harun;Canada : Mc Gill University Press , 1965
Muhammadijah Movement a bibliografhical introduction
Ali, Abdul Mu`ti;Canada : The librari institute of Islamic studies , 1957
Muhammadiyah dalam sorotan / Usman Yatim
Yatim, Usman; Hamid, Al; Misar;Jakarta : Bina Rena Pariwara , 1993