Total data: 2810
Aretha Franklin: Lady Soul
Gourse, Leslie.; Franklin, Aretha; Franklin, Aretha.;New York : : F. Watts, , 1995
The encyclopedia of country music: the ultimate guide to the music compiled by the staff of the country music hall of fame and museum
Kingsbury, Paul;New York : Oxford University Press , 1998
Starting business all in one for dummies
Allen, Kathleen R.; Economy, Peter; Paul and Sarah Edwards; Epstein, Lita;Westport, Connecticut : John Wiley & Sons , 2015
Small business management:an entrepreneurial emphasis
Longenecker, Justin Gooderl,;Mason, OH : : Thomson/South-Western, , 2006
A time to every purpose :the four seasons in American culture
Kammen, Michael;Chapel Hill : The University of north Carolina Press , 2004
The Puritan revolution and the English civil War
Prall, Stuert E.;Florida : Krieger Publishing Company , 2001