Total data: 27185

Muslims and Christians at the table : promoting Biblical understanding among North American Muslims
McDowell, Bruce A.; Zaka, Anees;New Jersey : P \r\n R Publishing , 1999

A leap in the dark :the struggle to create the American Republic
Ferling, John;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003

The American spiritual culture :and the invention of jazz, football and the movies
Dean, William;New York : Continuum , 2002

Globalization & American popular culture
Crothers, Lane; Steger, Manfred B.;Lan Ham : Rowman & Littlefield , 2013

Mengenal masyarakat dan budaya Amerika Serikat : jilid I
Luedtke, Luther S.; Suparlan, Parsudi;Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Indonesia , 1994

The Civil war and reconstruction :a student companion
Barney, William L.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2001

One room schools : stories from the days of 1 room, 1 teacher, 8 grades
Apps; Bodilly, Susan;Danvers, MA : Wisconsin Historical Society Press , 2013