Total data: 2222
Cendekiawan muslim dalam perspektif pendidikan Islam / Imam Bawani
Bawani, Imam; Anshari, Isa;Surabaya : Bina Ilmu , 1991
Metodologi penelitian sosial / John W. Best
Best, John W.; Faisal, Sanapiah; Waseso, Mulyadi Guntur;Surabaya : Usaha Nasional , 1992
Pendidikan di Indonesia : penilaian dan pedoman perencanaan / C.E. Beeby
Beeby, C.E.;Jakarta : LP3ES , 1981
Beyond the classroom, parents as partners in education / Eugenia Berger
Berger, Eugenia;Missouri : Masby , 1983
State of the nation and the agenda for higher education / Howard R. Bowen
Bowen, Howard R.;London : Jossey-Bass , 1982