Total data: 26280
Tales from the times : real-life stories to make you think, wonder, and smile, from the pages of the New York Times
Belkin, Lisa;New York : St. Martin's Griffin , 2004
Reflections of a culture broker : a view from the Smithsonian
Kurin, Richard;Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Press , 1997
Berita di balik berita :analisis mendalam di belakang layar bagaimana jadinya laporan jurnalistik
Broder, David S.;Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan , 1996
Bad news :Where the Press goes wrong in the making of the President
Soghan, Robert;Chicago : Ivan R. Dee , 2001
Sepuluh petunjuk praktis untuk reportase berita bisnis dan ekonomi di negara sedang berkembang
Hemp, Paul;Jakarta : International center of journalists , 1999
The smear:how shady political operatives and fake news control what you see, what you think, and how you vote
Attkisson, Sharyl;New York : Harper Collins Publishers , 2017
What editors want :an author's guide to scientific journal publishing
Benson, Philippa; Silver, Susan C.;Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press , 2013
The Press effect :politicians, journalists, and the stories that shape the political world
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall; Waldman, Paul;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2003