Total data: 4611

Kesultanan Ternate : sejarah sosial ekonomi dan politik
Muhammad, Syahril;Yogyakarta : Ombak , 2012

The history of Islamic political thought : from the prophet to the present
Black, Antony;Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , 2014

Tata kelola penelitian di lembaga litbang pemerintah dan swasta
Maulana, Iqbal; Hartiningsih; Setiawan, Sigit; Kusbiantono;Jakarta : LIPI Press , 2014

The Many faces of political Islam : Religion and politics in the muslim world
Ayoob, Mohammed;Michigan : The University of Michigan Press , 2011

Marketing politik : media pencitraan di era multipartai
Tabroni, Roni;Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu , 2014