Total data: 23217

Muslim minorities in the West : visible and invisible
Smith, Jane I.; Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck;Walnut Creek, CA : Altamira Press , 2002

Political parties and constitutional government :remarking American democracy / Sidney M. Milkis
Milkis, Sidney M.;Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press , 1999

Information now :a graphic guide to student research
Upson, Matt;Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press , 2015

An hour before daylight : memories of a rural boyhood
Carter, Jimmy;New York : Simon & Schuster , 2001

Campaigns and elections :players and processes
Medvic, Stephen K.;Boston, MA : : Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, , 2010

Introducing Islam : what muslims think and how they live
El Fadl, Khaled Abou; Inati, Shams;New Jersey : Mason Crest Publishers, , 2004

We Americans :celeberating a nation, its people, and its past
Allen, Thomas B.; Hyman, Charles O.; Crew, Spencer R.;Washington, D.C. : National Geographic , 1999

Witness to America :an illustrated documentary history of the United States from the revolution to today
Brinkley, Douglas; Ambrose, Stephen;New York : HarperCollins , 1999

Flags across America
Baskin, Dale; Robbins, Karen S.;United States of America : Schiffer Publishing , 2018