Total data: 23219

Globalization and organization:wolrd society and organizational change
edited by Drori S. Gili; Meyer, John W.; Hwang, Hokyu;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2006

America in the world :a history of U.S. diplomacy and foreign policy
Zoellick, Robert B.;New York : Twelve , 2020

Encyclopedia of American literature volume I : the colonial and revolutionary era 1607-1814
Berkin, Carol;New York : Facts on file , 2002

Homer Simpson marches on Washington :dissent through American popular culture
Foy, Joseph J.; Dale, Tim M.;Lexington, Ky. : : University Press of Kentucky, , 2010

A concise history of U.S. foreign policy
Kaufman, Joyce P.;Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield , 2017