Total data: 23219

The new class society :goodbye American dream?
Perrucci, Robert; Wysong, Earl;Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield , 2003

Arab Detroit :from margin to mainstream
Abraham, Nabeel; Shryock, Andrew;Detroit : Wayne State University Press , 2000

Facts about American immigration
Brownstone, David M.; Franck Irene, M.;New York : H.W. Wilson , 2001

The AMA handbook of business letters
Coleman, Edward; Seglin, Jeffrey L;Princeton, New Jersey : Amacom , 2002

Debating same-sex marriage
Corvino, John; Gallagher, Maggie;New York : : Oxford University Press, , 2012

Vital statictics on American politics 2003-2004
Stanley, Harold W.; Niemi, Richard G.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2003