Total data: 23219

Occupy Nation: the roots, the spirit, and the promise of occupy wall street
Todd Gitlin;Westport, Connecticut : New York : itbooks, c2012. , 2012

Storyworthy :engage, teach, persuade, and change your life through the power of storytelling
Dicks, Matthew; Kennedy, Dan;California : New World liBrary , 2018

Separate and unequal: the Kerner Commission and the unraveling of American liberalism
Gillon, Steven M.;New York : Basic Books , 2018

Graduate admissions essays :write your way into the graduate school of your choice
Asher, Donald;Berkeley : Ten Speed Press , 2000

Hard drive :Bill Gates and the making of the Microsoft empire
Wallace, James; Erickson, Jim;New York : Harper Business , 1993

Geek girl rising: inside the sisterhood shaking up tech
Cabot, Heather; Walravens, Samantha;New York : St. Martin's Press , 2017