Total data: 27098

Women's voices, feminist visions : classic and contemporary readings
Shaw, Susan M.; Lee, Janet,;New York : : McGraw-Hill , 2012

Rethinking the MBA : business education at a crossroads
Datar, Srikant M.; Garvin, David A.; Cullen, Patrick G.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business Press, , 2010

Kado untuk mahasiswa : relasi kepemimpinan, budaya, organisasi dan psikologi mahasiswa
Ramadan, Willy;Banjarmasin : IAIN antasari press , 2014

Global sociology : introducing five contemporary societies
Schneider, Linda.;New York, NY : : McGraw-Hill , 2013

Questions that matter :an invitation to philosophy
Miller, Ed. L.; Jensen, Jon,;Boston, Mass. : : McGraw-Hill , 2006

75 readings across the curriculum : an anthology
Anson, Christopher M.,;New York, NY : : McGraw-Hill , 2008

Blue ocean strategy : how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant
Kim, W. Chan.; Mauborgne, Renée.;Boston, Mass. : : Harvard Business School Press, , 2005

Behavior in organizations : an experiential approach
Shani, Abraham B.; Chandler, Dawn; Coget, Jean; Francois; Lau, James B.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2009