Total data: 27098

Hukum bisnis untuk perusahaan : teori dan contoh kasus
Abdul Rasyid Saliman;Jakarta : Kencana , 2016

Islamic finance and the new financial system : an ethical approach to preventing future financial crises
Alrifai, Tariq;Singapore : John Wiley & Sons , 2015

Principles of convergent journalism
Wilkinson, Jeffrey S.; Grant, August E.; Fisher, Douglas J.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2013

Affective dimensions in chemistry education
Kahveci, Murat; Orgill, MaryKay;Heidelberg : Springer , 2015

Essentials of chemical education
Barke, Hans; Dieter; Harsch, Gunther; Schmid, Siegbert; Gerdau, Hannah;Heidelberg : Springer , 2012

Green chemistry : theory and practice
Anastas, Paul T.; Warner, John C.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry: Pearson New International Edition
Wade, Leroy G.; Simek, Jan W.;Harlow, United Kingdom : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall , 2014

KH. Muhammad Sholeh Darat al-Samarani : maha guru ulama Nusantara
Ulum, Amirul;Yogyakarta : Global Press , 2016