Total data: 27098

Pendobrak kebohongan : Wikileaks dan Julian Assange
Widiamoko, Happy Nur;Bandung : Nuansa Cendekia , 2016

Keagenan (agency) : prinsip-prinsip dasar, teori, dan problematika hukum keagenan
Santoso, Budi;Bogor : Ghalia Indonesia , 2015

The reader's brain :how neuroscience can make you a better writer
Douglas, J. Yellowlees,;Cambridge, Mass : Cambridge University Press , 2015

Interviewing : principles and practices
Stewart, Charles J.; Cash, William B.;New York : McGraw-Hill Education , 2014

Developmentally appropriate curriculum : best practices in early childhood education
Kostelnik, Marjorie J.; Soderman, Anne K.; Whiren, Alice P.;New York : Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall , 2007

Kaidah-kaidah metode ilmiah : panduan untuk penelitian dan critical thinking
Carey, Stephen S.; Irfan M. Zakkie;Bandung : Nusamedia , 2015

Psychology : core concepts
Zimbardo, Philip G.; Johnson, Robert L.;Harlow, Essex : : Pearson , 2014