Total data: 206

The Choice: Global domination or global leadership
Brzezinkski, Zbigniew;New York : Basic Books , 2004

War in a time of peace :Bush, Clinton, and the Generals
Halberstam, David;New York : Scribner , 2001

Lima puluh tahun hubungan Amerika Serikat - Indonesia: bersama dalam harapan sendirian dalam kecemasan
Gardner, Paul F.;Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan , 1999

The Greenwood encyclopedia of international relations
Nolan, Cathal J.;Westport, Connecticut : Greenwood Publishing , 2002

Architects of globalism :building a new world order during world war II
Hearden, Patrick J.;Fayetteville : The University of Arkansas Press , 2002

The foreign policy disconnect: what Americans want from our leaders but don't get
Page, Benjamin I.; Bouton, Marshall M.,;Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2006

The End of the American era: U.S. Foreign policy and geopolitics of the twenty-first century
Kupchan, Charles A.;New York : Alfred A. Knopf , 2003

America and the world
Brzezinski, Zbigniew; Scowcroft, Brent;Westport, Connecticut : Basics Books , 2008

The Middle East and the United States: history, politics, and ideologies
Lesch, David W; Haas, Mark L.;New York : Westview press , 2018