Total data: 2810
Democracy, human rights and law in Islamic thought
Jabri, Mohammed Abed al;New York : I.B. Tauris , 2009
Atlas anatomi
Williams, Lippincott; Wilkins; Hartanto, Huriawati; Astikawati, Rina; Tank, Patrick W.; Gest, Thomas R.;Jakarta : Erlangga , 2010
Hukum perusahaan dan kepailitan
Maulana, Adi; Zaeni Asyhadie; Sutrisno, Budi;Jakarta : Erlangga , 2012
Library automation : core concepts and practical systems analysis
Bilal, Dania;Santa Barbara, Calif. : : Libraries Unlimited , 2014
The financial crisis and the free market cure : why pure capitalism is the world economy's only hope
Allison, John A.;New York : McGraw-Hill , 2013
Freedom of religion, apostasy, and Islam
Saeed, Abdullah.; Saeed, Hassan,;Burlington, VT : : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2004
Mahkamah konstitusi : dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia
Soimin; Mashuriyanto;Yogyakarta : Perpust. UII Press , 2013