Total data: 1596
One mighty and irresistible tide :the epic struggle over American immigration, 1924-1965
Yang, Jia Lynn;New York : W.W. Norton & Company , 2020
Hard drive :Bill Gates and the making of the Microsoft empire
Wallace, James; Erickson, Jim;New York : Harper Business , 1993
The presidency and domestic policy: comparing leadership styles, FDR to Clinton
Lammers, William W.; Genovese, Michael A.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2000
The American presidency: origins and development 19776-2002
Nelson, Michael; Milkis, Sidney M.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2003
By order of the president :the use and abuse of executive direct action
Cooper, Philip J.;Lawrence, Kansas : University of Kansas Press , 2002
Restoring the lost constitution: The presumtion of liberty
Barnett, Randy E.;New Jersey : Princeton University Press , 2004