Total data: 14758

Muslim and American popular culture volume I
Omidvar, iraj; Richards, Anne R;Westport, Connecticut : American Council on Education and Praeger , 2014

Muslim and American popular culture volume II
Omidvar, iraj; Richards, Anne R;Westport, Connecticut : American Council on Education and Praeger , 2014

Muslims in the West :from Sojourners to Citizens
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck;Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2002

Garis besar sejarah Amerika
Cinotta, Howard; Pareanom, Yusi A;Jakarta : Kantor Program Informasi Internasional Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat , 2004

The presidents fact book :the achievements, campaigns, events, triumphs, tragedies, and legacies of every president from George Washington to Barack Obama
Matuz, Roger.; Harris, Bill,; Ross, Laura,;New York : : Distributed by Workman Pub. Co., , 2009

America in the world :the historiography of American foreign relations since 1941
Costigliola, Frank; Hogan, Michael J;Westport, Connecticut : Cambridge University Press , 2013