Total data: 14757

The missing martyrs: why there are so few Muslim terrorists
Kurzman, Charles;New York : : Oxford University Press, , 2011

The Educator's desk reference (EDR): a sourcebook of educational information and research
Freed, Melvyn N.; Hess, Robert K.; Ryan, Joseph M.;Westport, Connecticut : American Council on Education and Praeger , 2002

Mass motorization + mass transit: an American history and policy analysis
Jones, David W.,;Bloomington : : Indiana University Press, , 2008

The Entrepreneur mind: 100 essential beliefs, characteristics, and habits of elite entrepreneurs
Johnson, Kevin D;Atlanta : Johnson media inc , 2013

International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism
United Nations;New York : United Nations , 2001

Planet Simpson: How a cartoon masterpiece defined a generation
Turner, Chris;Cambridge : Da Capo Press , 2004