Total data: 265

The firefly effect :build teams that capture creativity and catapult results
Douglas, Kimberly,;Hoboken, N.J. : : Wiley , 2009

Kebangkitan Indonesia 1945-2045 : Pokok-pokok pikiran sarjana Nahdlatul Ulama
M. Kholid Syeirazi;Jakarta : LP3ES , 2013

Managing information and knowledge in organizations : a literacy approach
Mutch, Alistair,;New York : : Routledge , 2008

The Organization of Information
Taylor, Arlene G.,; Joudrey, Daniel N.;Westport, Conn. : : Libraries Unlimited, , 2009

Manajemen sekolah : mengelola lembaga pendidikan secara mandiri
Sri Minarti;Jakarta : Ar-Ruzz Media , 2012

Computer organization and architecture designing for performance
Stallings, William;England : Pearson Education Limited , 2013

Organizing Knowledge : an introduction to managing access to information
Rowley, Jennifer; Hartley, Richard;USA : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012