Total data: 156
Science and religion around the world
Brooke, John Hedley; Numbers, Ronald L.;New York : Oxfrod University Press , 2011
Faith versus fact : why science and religion are incompatible
Coyne, Jerry A.;New York : Viking Compass , 2015
Cognitive science : an introduction to the study of mind, third edition
Friedenberg, Jay; Silverman, Gordon;Amerika : SAGE , 2016
History of the conflict between religion and science
Draper, John William;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2009
The secret doctrine : the synthesis of science, religion, and philosophy (3 volume)
Blavatsky, H. P.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2011
Konsep ilmu dalam kitab hadis : studi atas kitab al-kafi karya al-Kulaini
Suryadilaga, M. Alfatih; Adib, Shohibul;Yogyakarta : Teras , 2009
Ensiklopedia ilmu pengetahuan modern
Sutrisno; Widijati, Utami; Triwiyanti, Fiona;Yogyakarta : Indoeduka , 2015
Filsafat ilmu dan metode penelitian
Ghony, M. Djunaidi; Almasnhur, Fauzan;Malang : UIN-MALIKI PRESS , 2015