Total data: 2810
Business communication :building critical skills
Locker, Kitty O.; Kaczmarek, Stephen Kyo.;Boston, Mass. : : McGraw-Hill , 2007
The eBay millionaire :titanium powerseller secrets for building a big online business
Joyner, Amy.;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley , 2005
Extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds
Mackay, Charles,; Penso de la Vega, Josef,; Fridson, Martin S.;New York : : Wiley , 1996
Teori maslahat dan relevansinya dengan perundang-undangan pidana khusus di Indonesia
Asmawi;Jakarta : Balitbang dan Diklat , 2010
Business :a changing world
Ferrell, O. C.; Hirt, Geoffrey A.; Ferrell, Linda.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill/Irwin , 2008
The golden apple :how to grow opportunity and harvest success
Aaronson, Kathy.;Hoboken, N.J. : : John Wiley & Sons , 2006
Who said so? :the questions revolutionary businesses ask that make them successful
Parker, Michael,;Hoboken, N.J. : : Wiley , 2008