Total data: 33

Keajaiban planet bumi : dalam perspektif sains dan Islam
Tjasyono, Bayong; Syukur, Muhammad; Kamsyach, Andriyani;Bandung : Remaja Rosdakarya , 2014

Islam dan sains modern : bagaimana mempertemukan Islam dengan sains modern
Guessoum, Nidhal; Maufur; Fawaid, Achmad;Bandung : Mizan , 2014

Islam and science : historic and contemporary perspectives volume 1 : studies in the Islam and science nexus
Iqbal, Muzaffar;Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012

Islam and science : historic and contemporary perspectives volume 2 : contemporary issues in Islam and science
Iqbal, Muzaffar;Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012

Islam and science : historic and contemporary perspectives volume 3 : new perspectives on the history of Islamic science
Iqbal, Muzaffar;Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012

Islam and science : historic and contemporary perspectives volume 4 : studies in the making of Islamic science : knowledge in motion
Iqbal, Muzaffar;Farnham : Ashgate Publishing Limited , 2012

An illusion of harmony science and religion in Islam
Edis, Taner;New York : Prometheus books , 2007

Sumbangan keilmuan Islam pada dunia
Irham, Masturi; Basya, Ahmad Fu'ad; Aniq, Muhammad;Jakarta : Pustaka Al-Kautsar , 2015

Integrasi multidimensi agama dan sains : analisis sains Islam al-Attas dan Mehdi Golshani
Syamsuddin, Ach. Maimun;Yogyakarta : IRCiSoD , 2012