Total data: 166
Principles of social reconstruction / Bertrand Russell
Russell, Bertrand;London : Unwin Paperbacks , 1987
Statistik non parametrik: untuk ilmu-ilmu sosial
Siegel, Sidney; Suyuti, Zanzawi; Simatumpang, Lindung;Jakarta : Gramedia , 1994
Perdebatan klasik dan kontemporer mengenai kelompok, kekuasaan dan konflik
Giddens, Anthony; Held, David; Hadiz, Vedi R.;Jakarta : Rajawali Pers , 1987
Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference of the Association of Muslim Social Scientists : East Lansing, Michigan, October 30 - November, 1992
Abul; Fadl, Mona; Association of Muslim Social Scientists. Convention (21st : 1992 : East Lansing, Michigan);Herndon : International Institute of Islamic Thought , 1993
Kamus ilmu jiwa dan pendidikan / A. Mursal HM. Taher
Taher, A.Mursal H.M.;Bandung : Al-Ma'arif , 1977