Total data: 37
Stratifikasi Etnik : Kajian mikro sosiologi interaksi etnis Jawa dan Cina / Agus Salim
Salim,Agus;Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana , 2006
Encyclopaedic ethnography of middle east and central Asia vol.1-3 / Editor,R. Khanam
Khanam, R.;New Delhi : Global Vision Publishing House , 2005
Introducing cultural antrhropology / Roberta Edwards Lenkeit
Lenkeit, Roberta edwards;Boston : McGraw-Hill , 2003
Cultural anthropology :tribes, states, and the global system
Bodley, John H.;Boston : : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2005
Etnografi komunikasi : pengantar dan contoh penelitiannya
Engkus Kuwarno;Bandung : widya padjadjaran , 2011