Total data: 16810

Twentieth-century America :a brief history / Thomas C. Reeves
Reeves, Thomas C.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

Twentieth-century America : a brief history
Reeves, Thomas C.;New York : Oxford University Press , 2000

In the president's secret service : behind the scenes with agents in the line of fire and the presidents they protect
Kessler, Ronald;New York : Three Rivers Press , 2010

Basic history of American conservatism
Muccigrosso, Robert;Malabar, Florida : Krieger Publishing , 2001

The reader's companion to American history
Foner, Eric; Garratny, John A.;Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1991

The truth about the Internet and online predators
Dingwell, Heath; Golden, Robert N.; Peterson, Fred L.;New York : Facts on file , 2011

Motoring :the highway experience in America
Jakle, John A.; Sculle, Keith A.;Chicago : : In association with the Center for American Places at Columbia College Chicago, , 2008

Ideology in America
Ellis, Christopher; Stimson, James A.;New York : Cambridge University Press , 2012

The librarian's skillbook :51 essential career skills for information professionals
Hunt, Deborah; Grossman, David;United States : [Sn.] , 2013