Total data: 16810

Gambling in America :an encyclopedia of history, issues, and society
Thompson, William N.;Santa Barbara, CA : ABC-CLIO , 2001

The soldier and the state :the theory and politics of civil-military relations
Huntington, Samuel P.;Cambridge, MA : s.n. , 1985

The Presidents, first ladies, and vice presidents :white house biographies, 1789-2001
Diller, daniel C.; Robertson, Stephen L.;Washington, D.C. : CQ Press , 2001

Dari Jakarta menuju Gedung Putih
Obama, Barack.; Obama, Barack;Pasar Minggu, Jakarta, Indones : Ufuk Press, , 2007

The Complete books of Presidents of US presidents
DeGrogorio, William A.;New York : Gramercy Books , 2002