Total data: 6179

First ladies :from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama
Caroli, Betty Boyd.; Canadian Italian Historical Association.;New York, N.Y. : : Oxford University Press, , 2010
The promise : President Obama, year one
Obama, Barack.; Obama, Barack; Alter, Jonathan.;New York : Simon & Schuster , 2011

Think like Zuck:the five business secrets of Facebook's improbably brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Walter, Ekaterina;Westport, Connecticut : McGraw-Hill , 2013

My mom is a fob :earnest advice in broken English from your Asian-American mom
teresa wu; serena wu;New York : Perigee Book , 2011

Etika Jurnalisme :debat global
International Center of Journalists; Prayitno, Budi;Jakarta : Kedutaan Besar Amerika Serikat Jakarta dan Institut Studi Arus Informasi , 2006

Amerika baru yang religius:bagaimana sebuah "negara Kristen" berubah menjadi negara dengan agama paling beragam di dunia.
Eck, Diana L.;Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan , 2002

Muslims in the United States :the state of research
Leonard, Karen Isaksen;New York : Russel Sage Foundation , 2003

Indians and the American West in the twentieth century
Parman, Donald Lee,;Bloomington : : Indiana University Press, , 1994

Immigration and women :understanding the American experience
Pearce, Susan C.; Clifford, Elizabeth J.; Tandon, Reena.;Princeton, New Jersey : New York University Press, , 2011