Total data: 6179

The user’s guide to college writing: reading, analyzing, and writing
Kreml, Nancy M.; Carr, Diane Rose; Capps, Douglas; Jake, Janice; May, Sharon;Westport, Connecticut : Person Longman , 2003

Linus Pauling: advancing science, advocating peace
Pasachoff, Naomi E.;Berkeley Heights, N.J. : : Enslow Publishers , 2004

GMAT review the only study guide by the creators of the test
Graduate Management Admission Council;McLean, VA : McLean, VA : Graduate Management Admission Council, c2005. , 2005

Niels Bohr: physicist and humanitarian
Pasachoff, Naomi E.;Berkeley Heights, NJ : : Enslow Publishers , 0

You made it: mom entrepreneur edition
McCann, Cinnamon;Westport, Connecticut : Driven Spice Publishing , 2012

Cold War orientalism: Asia in the middlebrow imagination, 1945-1961
Klein, Christina;Berkeley : : University of California Press, , 2003

Reassessing the Reagan presidency
Reagan, Ronald; Conley, Richard Steven.;Lanham, MD : : University Press of America, , 2003