Total data: 16798

Millennial makeover :MySpace, YouTube, and the future of American politics
Winograd, Morley.; Hais, Michael D.,;New Brunswick, N.J. : : Rutgers University Press, , 0

Peradilan agama Indonesia : sejarah, konsep dan praktik di pengadilan agama
Zuhriah, Erfaniah;Malang : Setara Press , 2014

The United States government internet directory
Hattis, Shana Hertz;Westport, Connecticut : Bernan Press , 2014

The thirteen American arguments : enduring debates that define and inspire our country
Fineman, Howard.;New York : Random House , 2009

Weaponized lies : how to think critically in the post-truth era
Levitin, Daniel J.;New York : Dutton , 2016
The Story of America : freedom and crisis from settlement to superpower
Weinstein, Allen; Rubel, David;New York : DK Publishing , 2002
The Story of America : freedom and crisis from settlement to superpower
Weinstein, Allen; Rubel, David;New York : DK Publishing , 2002

Understanding corporate annual reports : a financial analysis project
Pasewark, William R.;New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin, , 2007